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Information for Advisors

We understand that financial, philanthropic and estate goals are unique to the individual. For this reason, we welcome the opportunity to assist as you incorporate your clients' philanthropic objectives into well-crafted estate plans. Please download our Leaving a Legacy document, which provides details for your clients on the impact of their planned gift, as well as information that is helpful for personal representatives and legal teams to have when carrying out their wishes. We always encourage prospective donors to consult with their professional advisors before making decisions based on information we provide and are always happy to be a resource for you.

If you're interested in deepening your partnership with the Wisconsin Humane Society and our supporters, please contact Meghan Hoffmann at 414-264-6257 x6146 or to receive more information on our Planned Giving Counsel, an inclusive group of professional advisors that provide resources and guidance to individuals within our organization looking to make a difference.

Please feel free to contact us directly for information or assistance on a confidential basis.

Mail Paperwork to:
Wisconsin Humane Society
Attn: Planned Giving Dept.
4500 West Wisconsin Ave.,
Milwaukee, WI 53208

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Legal Name:
Wisconsin Humane Society

Tax I.D. Number:

Incorporated in:
Milwaukee, WI

4500 West Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208